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I adore the UK but I can totally see the attraction of holding your wedding somewhere that's deliciously warm or reliably snowy. Destination weddings have an undeniable appeal but if some of your friends and family can't make the trip with you, what do you do? Hold a marriage celebration back here in dear old Blighty of course!

Your marriage celebration can be held before your post-wedding reception when you're home again. So, wherever and whenever you're event is planned, a ceremony or celebration can easily be included. You'll have a fab focus point for your party and absolutely everyone can share your joy and show their support for your marriage.

A personal marriage celebration gives you absolute freedom to mark your marriage in any way that suits you. Some couples want a ceremony that's similar in tone and content to a wedding so that guests feel they've 'been a part' of things. Other couples opt for a more alternative or creative celebration because it's more appropriate for the event they have planned. It's up to you, this is your party.

As always, my ceremonies start life as a blank piece of paper and together we'll write something that you'll never forget.

An initial complimentary Zoom or phone consultation and a personal welcome pack when you book.

A meeting (or Zoom call if that's easier for you) to talk about your celebration. We'll go through all of your options and discuss your plans in glorious detail. 

A bespoke marriage celebration, typically lasting 15-20 minutes, written by me just for you (I don't believe in recycling words for ceremonies so yours will be shiny and new!). I'll also help you write your own vows if you need a hand and I can also devise individual elements for your ceremony.

A rehearsal so everyone is totally comfortable with the ceremony and can relax and enjoy the event.

My attendance on the day to conduct your marriage celebration. I usually arrive three-quarters of an hour before you're due to start so if anything needs my attention, I'm right there.

You'll find more details about the process and guideline pricing (and details of a few optional extras) in the Wild & Oak brochure. Request your copy here or get in touch to arrange a time to chat.